Our Precious Vote - Americans are bombarded with a daily basis through television and social media about how divided we are in our politics. But it does not have to be like this echo chamber of vehement disagreement and often vile personal accusations. Important values transcend politics and drive to the core of who we are as a country, including the sacred right to vote, the peaceful transition of power, and the integrity of our elections. These are revered traditions and attributes of a proud democracy, ones that all Americans, regardless of party, must consider our bedrock principles.

There are several pernicious forces at play that are deliberately trying to sow mistrust and doubt in our elections. So many are stoking fears that this election will be ripe with fraud, and voters on both sides of the aisle are worried that the other party will cheat or that people with the losing side will be prone to violence if their candidate is defeated.

We must push back against those who try to undermine our elections and inflict damage on our fellow citizens, whether they be foreign enemies or domestic actors. Creating chaos does not serve our democracy, nor does it assist whoever will be president next year to move forward and solve the crisis of the pandemic wrecking middle class stability and our precious small businesses. We must insist on peaceful demonstrations with both sides, and not tolerate destruction or violence, as we wait for the election results and winner.

Teds Community is about community, entrepreneurship and independence and the pursuit of the American Dream. Without our most powerful right, the right to vote, that American Dream will be available only to those who manipulate the strings of power. No matter who wins, our vote must count. Since every Resident of Teds Community has equal chances to make it to the top, we congratulate whoever wins/ But we want them to win because the Residents of Teds Community were given proper credit for "our precious vote".

Teds Community Staff


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